services we provide

We are an expert visa consultant in India focusing on providing quick and easy services to all your travelling needs. Be it a visa, travel insurance, flight ticketing, or whatever it is, we cover it all.

We assist you through the entire passport application process by helping you fill the passport application form, required passport documents verification, booking passport appointment etc.

Alrazak Overseas provices complete RTO Services in Bangalore, Such as Driving Licence,
Learner Licence, RC Registration, Re Registration, Name Transfer, Road Tax Payment, etc.

Alrazak Overseas adopts a holistic background verification approach that is built on the latest and proven industry practices. Our team of investigators performs diligent and real-time verification of various parameters as specified by our clients across India

Alrazk Overseas helps you comply with import and export requirements, assisting smooth customs clearance. We offer the benefits of having an import export service provider handle these challenging aspects of your business.

Alrazak Overseas is an excellent and affordable tour and travel service provider in Bangalore. We arrange all kinds of tours & travels services  across India as well as foreign tours across globe.

our pricing table

pricing plans for our services

Turpis etiam sociosqu malesuada atque? Tortor. Vel numquam reprehenderit, aliquid rerum quaerat, facilisi nullam, cupidatat vestibulum conubia rem parturient quae, ridiculus nihil! cupidatat vestibulum conubia rem.



  • Vero praesent natoque nunc
  • Dicta modi proident illonsunl
  • Fugiat etiam blandit accums
  • Vero praesent natoque nunc



  • Vero praesent natoque nunc
  • Dicta modi proident illonsunl
  • Fugiat etiam blandit accums
  • Vero praesent natoque nunc
  • Dicta modi proident illonsunl
  • Fugiat etiam blandit accums

alrazak overseas pvt ltd.,


We are an expert in Visa Immigration  consultant in India focusing on providing quick and easy services to all your travelling needs.